Edited: 25/04/2024
Passengers must carry Valid Barcode from The Ministry of Tourism of the Arab Republic of Egypt .
Airports receiving pilgrimages are an airport (Jedda & al-Tafi' & Yanbu)
Please review all the health and precautionary measures applied to the Passengers of the Arab Republic of Egypt and ensure that there is evidence that the Hajji received the required vaccines before boarding the aircraft, as indicated in the health requirements of those arriving at the Hajj.
Please confirm the authenticity of all documents required from a passenger consistent with the Hajj controls issued by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism to facilitate the travel process and then the passenger arrive At the Airport on 4 Hours prior Departure.
It is necessary to send the Mobile Numbers of the Hajj supervisors or Group leadee in Egypt and Saudi Arabia with the contracts concluded for the groups (precautionary).
Places can be booked through the air booking channels of Nesma or the flight website of Nesma
Quick Links
Egypt Hotline: +202 – 15671
Saudi Hotline:
Italy Hotline: